Monday, September 2, 2013

It's Spring Chickens, Eat Seeds!

A seedy solution to snacking :)

I have been rather busy with all sorts over the last few months that I have neglected to blog... guilty as charged. Something else that I have been neglecting is eating properly. Sometimes skipping more than one meal in a day. With being on the run a lot of the time, I don't sit down to eat... or even make a snack for the road. As a result, my energy levels were rather none existent, and yip, I got sick!

I know, not good! buuut..... On one of my run about days I stopped in at an ex colleague and friend who now owns this fabulous growing company, Nu Seed, and I was reminded about a tasty, healthy, pop-in-my-bag, and pop-in-my-mouth snack that they make! Really Sensible Snacks.

NuSeed Office Snack
These neat little boxes have 6 packets in each with a combination of mixes. They are super healthy and very tasty. My favourite mixes are the choco-berry which has little bits of Belgian chocolate as well as the tropical mix, the fruit and coconut combo is a real winner. My hubby, was pleasantly when he hesitantly tried some.

With it being spring and summer on the way, health snacks are on my shopping list, and these are on top of the list.

Other than being great for 'on the go', they can add some "wowee" to other healthy meals like plain yoghurt and salads.

So next time you are at Pick n Pay or Dischem, grab a box (R45)... or chat to me, I'm sure I can hook you up ;)

NuSeed Kiddies Snack
100 Calorie Snacks

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